@article{oai:kyotogakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000927, author = {Bird, Paul}, issue = {1}, month = {2011-09-01, 2018-06-08}, note = {The purpose of this essay is to explore whether popular detective fiction can function as a social commentary. The authors studied are Raymond Chandler and Walter Mosley, and the selected novels are The Big Sleep, published in 1939, and Devil In A Blue Dress, published in 1990. Key themes which will be analysed are: literary conventions of the hard-boiled fiction, which is to say how the protagonists and setting are depicted, race, particularly concerning Mosley, and additionally, how the nature of these experiences may affect the author's ability to use narratives as a social commentary., 4, KJ00007987619, Article}, pages = {105--114}, title = {Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction as a Vehicle of Social Commentary in Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep and Walter Mosley's Devil In A Blue Dress.}, volume = {21}, year = {} }