@article{oai:kyotogakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000008, author = {大舘, 健司 and ODATE, Kenji}, issue = {51}, journal = {人間文化研究 : 京都先端科学大学人間文化学会紀要, Journal of human cultural studies:Human Cultures Association of Kyoto University of Advanced Science}, month = {2023-11-30, 2023-12-12}, note = {要旨  教育実習は,大学段階で教職志向性が強化される絶好の機会であり,この教育実習での成果が,履修生のその後の教員志向性に大きく影響を与える。そのため,充実した実習となるよう事前・事後の指導は非常に重要である。本稿では,本学バイオ環境学部教職課程において,教育実習生が充実した教育実習を体できることを目的とし,授業力や学級経営力の向上を目指した取組を紹介する。, Abstract  Pedagogical practice is an excellent opportunity to reinforce orientation toward teaching during the university level of study, and the results of this practice have a significant impact on students' subsequent orientation toward teaching. Therefore, pre- and post-teaching is of critical importance to ensure that such practical training is effective. In this study, we introduce the measures taken to improve the teaching and classroom management skills of teaching practicum students in the education program of the Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences at the Kyoto University of Advanced Science, with the aim of enabling them to experience an impactful teaching practicum.}, pages = {71--84}, title = {教職科目「教育実習事前指導」「教育実習」の実践記録 ―理科教員への志向性の向上を目指して―}, year = {} }