@article{oai:kyotogakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001220, author = {苅安, 誠 and 外山, 稔 and 松平, 登志正}, issue = {1}, journal = {京都学園大学健康医療学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Communication disorders have a variety of etiologies, and the number of persons with defective speech-language and hearing is needed to provide the demand-supply models and quality education for speech and hearing specialists. In this paper, the prevalence and the estimated number of persons with speech-language and hearing disorders in the world and in Japan are reviewed, then the estimated number of communication disabled in Japan is reported. The total estimated number of communication disabled in million is 29.0, composed of 0.7 for stuttering, 1.2 for language disorders, 7.5 for voice disorders, 18.7 for hearing disorders, and 0.8 for speech-articulation disorders, including “mild” cases.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {コミュニケーション障害の疫学 : 音声言語・聴覚障害の有病率と障害児者数の推定}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カリヤス, マコト and トヤマ, ミノル and マツヒラ, トシマサ} }